Client Donations

Thank You!

Make Your Weekly Donation

Thank you for donating to the PF today. Client donations are our lifeblood. 

As well as marking the therapeutic value of your session, the income is essential to the PF’s survival as a charitable service.

Counselling at the PF is always offered on the basis of voluntary donations by the client, according to their own assessment of what they can offer. Our aim is to provide quality counselling which is available to all members of the community and which is affordable to everyone. We are also always striving to improve the service that we offer to our clients and volunteers.

Why Client Donations are Important to Us

We ask all clients to make a meaningful but affordable donation each time they come to the PF for a session, or see their counsellor remotely. The amount of this donation is agreed at the initial session, to ensure it is significant and sustainable, but varying it can be discussed with their counsellor at any time.

Use Online Banking

Donate Online

Donating using your online banking app costs you nothing, and the full amount is received by the PF:

Name: Pastoral Foundation
Sort Code: 80-02-85
Account Number: 00678160
Ref: Your Client Reference number

Use PayPal

PayPal Donations

Or you can donate via PayPal using your debit or credit card or your PayPal account.

You can use any debit or credit card on this online portal, but they deduct a charge from your donation, unless you choose to add this to your donation.


Please add your Name and Client Reference Number (e.g. 210999) here before clicking the ‘Donate by PayPal’ button below:

Your Name and Client Reference