Client Admin

My client wants to reduce (or increase) their donation, is that okay?

Client donations are agreed initially at assessment, and can be varied at any time by agreement between the client and their counsellor.  The office Admin staff do not get involved in discussing variations in donation amounts, as this should be seen as an integral part of the therapy.  If your client wishes to reduce or increase their donation, at any time, please negotiate this with them in your session and advise the office of the new agreed donation. 

How do I record my client’s attendance?

If you have seen your client in the building, please complete an Attendance Slip for each client session.  All slips and any cash donations should be handed into the office at the end, after you have seen all your clients for the day.

If you have seen your clients online, please complete a Remote Session Attendance sheet and email it to Admin, after you have seen all your clients for the week.